Your turn! How Can You Share Your Learning of Digital Citizenship with Others?
How Can We Make the Internet a 'Gift from God'?
What service project will make a difference? What are you called to do to make a difference with social media or digital learning? What do you think will help digital spaces better? How can you fulfill Pope Francis' call to make the "Internet a gift from God"?
How can you or classmates start a Digital Service Project? Why would it be worth while? How can a service project change the lives of others and go further with Digital Citizenship?
Ideas to get you started…
The following are just ideas to get you started in a Digital Service project.
1. Digital Samaritan Poster Campaign
Create a series of digital posters to put up around the school (and post online if you are 13 yrs+) that reflect the 9 essential pillars of Digital Citizenship. You can make posters digitally using photo-editing apps or even using traditional methods. Before you begin, review the 9 elements and the key learning you think kids need to understand, then consider a way of getting the students' attention.
2. Partner and Class Projects in the Face to Face World
What if you could inspire a campaign at your school to encourage others to use creativity and technology to share social good? If you are not yet old enough to have a social media account, discuss with your classmates and teacher the possibility of having a class Twitter account (moderated by your teacher) that shares positive messages, images, memes or even examples of how we can be kinder in all places from online to offline.
3. Inter-generational Projects to Make a Difference
In this project consider bridging the digital divide by helping to connect seniors with technology. How can you connect generations of people? How can teaching seniors how to navigate online help to promote their connection to the world? What are the benefits to a project such as this delivered face to face? What would be the steps to get a project like this started? Map them out and reflect on reasons why it would be worthwhile.
4. Tutor a Senior on Using Technology
Talk to your parents about the potential of you sharing your gift of using technology with a senior citizen who is part of your family (or extended family). Set up a time with a grandparent or family friend and explore their tech-related questions.
Class Project Ideas: Share these reasons with your teacher and explore how you can share your gifts of digital citizenship with older generations, who may have less exposure to technology.
5. Little Buddy Digital Partner Projects to Make a Difference
How can you share digital learning with others? What would you teach younger students about being safe online? What would be the best way to teach these concepts?
Potential ideas: Partner with another classroom and create a lesson on one aspect of digital citizenship (one of the elements). What would you teach? How would you capture the interest of younger students to get your message across?
Consider creating digital stories to captivate your younger audience and lead them in a discussion about your topic.
Perhaps you could create a game (digitally or even on paper) to engage your younger audience.
Please examine the Digital Service Projects Rubric, prior to beginning, to give you an understanding of the expectations and assessment.