Learning Online High School: Grading, Attendance and Engagement Practices and Procedures

It is an expectation that Learning Online students regularly log into and actively engage in their Learning Online classes.  Students who are not actively engaged in their learning can expect the following:

-          Attendance and engagement communications,

-          Creation of academic contracts,

-          Coursework closing 

-          Course withdrawal

The following practices and procedures will be followed to support student course attendance and engagement.


Gradebook Practices and Grade Tracking

-          All Learning Online grades will be tracked and calculated using Moodle Gradebook. 

-          Auto-assessed work will be included in the student grade immediately following completion.  Teacher-assessed work will be assessed and updated within 3 school days of completion.

Accessing Course Grades:

Individual task grades will appear in the progress bar at the top of each course. A grade of zero will be entered once the task turns red. A red zero indicates that the due date has passed for a required assessment. An opportunity still exists for the student to complete/submit the assessment. A zero has been applied indicating insufficient evidence of learning, until such time as the assignment is submitted or the task has turned BLACK and closed.

After a task is 21 days overdue, it will be closed and students will no longer be able to submit the task.  The progress bar will change colours to black to reflect this.  

*A grade of 0 indicates either:

a) The student has attempted a required assessment with a result of 0, or

b) A required assessment was not submitted on the due date and thus there is insufficient evidence of learning. The student is still encouraged to complete and submit prior to the task being closed. After the task is closed it will be considered “not done”, but it may be considered as evidence of learning to determine a passing grade.

Students and parents/guardians will receive a weekly progress report emailed by Learning Online.

Students who are 25% or more behind in a course or have a grade less than 50% will be referred to the Learning Online SST.


Attendance Practices and Tracking

-          Attendance will be tracked based on course log in and communicated to student and parent/guardian using automated attendance emails.

Student Action: 

Learning Online’s Response: 

Away for five consecutive days 

Automated Moodle E-mail sent to home, school contact, and student making all aware of Attendance Practice and asking them to return to class. 

Away for ten consecutive days 

Automated Moodle E-mail sent to home, school contact, and student making all aware of Attendance Practice and asking them to return to class.   

Away for fifteen consecutive days 

Principal will contact home, school contact, and student warning them that if they are away for five more days, they will be in violation of the policy. 

Student will be referred to Learning Online SST (Student Support Team)

Automated Moodle E-mails continue each day until the student logs back into the course. 

Away for twenty consecutive days or are considered a *disengaged student. 


*A disengaged student can be considered:    

  • If there are multiple periods of 5 or more days without logging into a course or logging in without engaging in content 

  • If there is minimal access to course content based on recorded MOODLE DATA 

  • If they do not reach out to instructor and do not respond to emails from instructor or Learning Online  


Students will have their accounts suspended and will be contacted by the Principal of Learning Online requesting a meeting to discuss attendance and to create an academic plan to support the student in successfully completing the course.  Home contacts, school contacts, and RCSD administrators will be included in this communication.   


Students must respond to the request to create an academic plan within 48 hours of contact by the Principal of Learning Online.  Failure to respond will result in discontinuation and be withdrawn from the course.  


Learning Online SST

-          The Learning Online SST will consist of the Learning Online Principal, Guidance Counsellor, and course teacher.

-          Students will be brought to the Learning Online SST using progress report monitoring, attendance tracking, and teacher referral.


Chronic Engagement Concerns

-          Should engagement continue to be a concern, a student may be withdrawn from a Learning Online class.


Roles and Responsibilities


-          Log into course(s) on a regular basis.

-          Actively engage in course content by completing and submitting work


-          Support student course engagement and task completion


-          Assess student work within 3 days of submission.

-          Enter 0 for any overdue task.

-          Creating user overrides to manually close course tasks.

-          Refer disengaged students to Learning Online SST.


-          Use Learning Online reports to identify students of concern.

-          Work with students to offer support and put course plans in place.


-          Work with students who are chronically disengaged – determine when course withdrawal is necessary.