​Written work makes up the majority of assessment in an online class and most of the communication is through email.  Developing strong writing skills is very valuable when working in an online environment.  These transferable skills will be useful as you continue into post-secondary education and the workplace.  Use the guidelines below for email communication and written work in your Learning Online class.

Email Communication Guidelines

  1. Email Address and Name
    • All Learning Online students have access to an RCSD email address.  If you chose to use a different email address and name, ensure that is professional and appropriate.  
  2. Header
    • Ensure the header or subject line conveys the message of the email.
  3. Be Polite and Respectful
    • Begin and end your email as you would a letter.
    • To avoid a misunderstanding, do not use sarcasm or humour in an email since written communication does not convey tone.
    • Do not use all capital letters and bold print since it implies SHOUTING
  4. Spelling and Grammar Matter
    • Do not use abbreviations or textspeak in a formal email.
    • Correct spelling and grammar aid you in conveying the message you want and lets the reader know you have spent time composing and checking your message.  Ensure you use correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation in your email.
  5. Be Clear and Concise
    • Your email should clearly communicate your message, but not be too lengthy.​
  6. Reread Before Sending
    • Always reread your email before sending it to ensure it communicates the message you want and to proof for spelling or grammatical errors.
    • If you are upset when writing an email, it is a good idea to wait before you send it.  It can be easier to say hurtful or disrespectful things behind a screen, but once you hit send, you cannot take them back.

Guidelines for Written Assignments

  1. Read the Instructions
    • Make sure you know the expectations prior to starting the assignment.
  2. Spelling and Grammar Matter
    • Even if it is not formally part of the evaluation, correct spelling and grammar are always important.  Unless otherwise stated, you should answer all questions in complete sentences and use correct capitalization, spelling, and punctuation.
  3. Proof Read your Work
    • Before you submit, read and reread your assignment to check for any errors.  Reading your work aloud will help you catch any errors you may otherwise miss.  For major tasks, ask a friend or family member to help you proof your assignment.

Guidelines for Forum Posts

  1. Be Respectful
    • Do not use language that is inappropriate, hurtful, or hateful.
    • It is fine to disagree with someone, but do so in a respectful way.  Exposure to other people's opinions is an important part of the learning experience.
    • Conduct in an online forum should be consistent with RCSD values.
  2. Be Clear and Concise
    • Forum posts and questions should be to the point and relevant to the discussion.
  3. Spelling and Grammar Matter
    • Do not use abbreviations or textspeak in a forum post.
    • Correct spelling and grammar aid you in conveying the message you want. Ensure you use correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation in your forum post.
  4. Reread your Post before Sharing
    • Once you post to a forum, your teacher and the other students in your class can read what you have written.
    • Always reread your post before sharing to ensure it communicates the message you want and to proof for spelling or grammatical errors.
    • If you are upset when writing a post, it is a good idea to wait before you share it.  It can be easier to say hurtful or disrespectful things behind a screen, but once you post them to a forum, you cannot take them back.​