Final Exams and Final Assessments

Regina Catholic Schools is committed to the academic success of our students through best practice instruction and assessment. Part of this practice at the local and provincial level is to provide students with the opportunity to write comprehensive final exams. Educational research indicates that comprehensive assessments provide students an opportunity to organize and reflect on learning and apply concepts.

Mandatory course final assessments for Learning Online:

Semester 1 will occur January 16, 17, 20 and 21st. 

 Semester 2 will occur June  16,17,18, and 19th * Sem.2 dates subject to change

Course final assessments may consist of a written final exam, a performance assessment, OR a final project with consideration to adjustments in weighting, length and structure depending on the nature of the course, and grade level.

Students unable to complete a final as scheduled due to medical reasons will work with the school administration. 

 Final Exam Process:

  • All exams will be completed online. Students will be expected to sign up for exam times in advance and will receive a link to do so in late December for Semester 1 and late May for Semester 2.
  • All finals are password protected and will have a 3 hour time limit once started. Upon completion of the 3 hour limit the exam will automatically be submitted to the teacher.
  • Students can choose to complete their final exams with their tutorial teacher if applicable. Please notify if those arrangements have been made.
  • Reminder that during all course finalization exams or projects, students must remember all of the Academic Integrity guidelines they learnt at the start of each course. They should also familiarize themselves with the information here:


Semester One : 

All coursework (besides Course Finalization) Due: Friday, January 10th at 3:30 p.m.

Final Exams:

Thursday, January 16 - Anytime before 8:30pm

Friday, January 17 - Anytime before 8:30pm

Monday, January 20 - Anytime before 8:30pm

Thursday, January 21- Anytime before 8:30pm

Final Projects Due: Friday, January 16th at 3:30 p.m.

Semester Two : (Subject to Change)

All coursework (besides Course Finalization) Due: Wednesday, June 11th at 3:30 p.m.

Final Exams:

Monday, June 16 - Anytime before 8:30pm

Tuesday, June 17 - Anytime before 8:30pm

Wednesday, June 18 - Anytime before 8:30pm

Thursday, June 19- Anytime before 8:30pm

Final Projects Due: Monday, June 16th at 3:30 p.m.