Regina Catholic Schools Learning Online provides faith-based online education for students residing in Regina and the surrounding area.  

High school aged students are not eligible to register directly with Learning Online as a fully online base student.  Students must work with their base school and Learning Online to process all enrollments.

Students 21 years or younger residing outside of our division boundaries, can register for online courses with the permission of their base school division.  Tuition fees apply for students registered with another school division.*

Adult students older than 21 who reside in Saskatchewan, are eligible to take Learning Online classes.  Applicable tuition fees will be applied.*

Regina Catholic Schools Students

RCSD students in grades 10 to 12 are able to register for up to two Learning Online classes per semester.  Students can begin the registration process by contacting their face to face school's Guidance Counsellors or Administrators.  Grade 9 students require special permission and should reach out to their school guidance counsellor about registering for online classes.

Learning Online Registration Guidelines Link

Out of Division Students

​High School students who are not attending a Regina Catholic School, can enroll for Learning Online courses.  There is a tuition cost of $500 per course for students out of division students.  To register, students can complete an online registration form found on our website. Prior to starting a course, school division permission and any tuition or associated course fees charged to the student must be received.

Adult Learners

Adult Learners are eligible to take Learning Online classes to earn or upgrade high school credits.  Students who are 21 years of age or younger on September 30 of the current school year, residing in the Regina Catholic School Division boundaries, and are not enrolled in classes with another school division, are eligible to register as a Regina Catholic Schools student and take courses tuition free.  Permission from the base school division must be obtained for students 21 years or younger and residing outside of the Regina Catholic School Division boundaries.  Saskatchewan residents who are older than 21 on September 30 of the current school year are eligible to take Learning Online classes, a tuition of $500 per course is charged.  Tuition and associated course fees must be recieved prior to starting the course.

Summer Program

Regina Catholic Schools students, out of division high school students, and adult learners are all eligible to take full courses​ for credit in the Learning Online Summer Program. High school aged students must obtain school division permission prior to registering for classes.    Students are subject to a $500 per class tuition fee for Summer Program courses.  International students follow the enrollment and tuition guidelines outlined below.  Tuition and associated course fees must be received prior to starting the course.  

International Students

International Students are eligible to take courses following the guidelines outlined in the Learning Online Enrollment Guidelines and Tuition Structure for International Students document.  Courses during the school year are $1300/course and summer tuition is $1000/course. Tuition and associated course fees must be obtained prior to starting the course.

Enrollment Guidelines and Tuition Structure for International Students Link

*Course availability for adult students and out of division students may be limited to accommodate the learning needs of Regina Catholic Schools students.  Students not currently enrolled with Regina Catholic Schools who wish to register for a class, must email to confirm program availability prior to completing an online registration form.