As a reminder, Grades in Edsby are only updated once a week (Thursdays). For a greater breakdown of student coursework, please refer to the student progress reports that are emailed out every Wednesday evening. Students have full access to their grades in Moodle as well. At the end of the semester your Final Grade will be sent to you. It will look very similar to that of your Weekly Progress Reports.

Accessing Course Grades:

Individual task grades will appear in the progress bar at the top of each course. A grade of zero will be entered once the task turns red. A red zero indicates that the due date has passed for a required assessment.

An opportunity still exists for the student to complete/submit the assessment. A zero has been applied indicating insufficient evidence of learning, until such time as the assignment is submitted or the task has turned BLACK and closed.

After a task is 21 days overdue, it will be closed and students will no longer be able to submit the task.  The progress bar will change colours to black to reflect this.  Blue means that a task will be closing in 5 days. This should be reflected as a warning sign and that an assessment needs to be completed soon.

Additional Info:

A grade of 0 indicates either:

a) The student has attempted a required assessment with a result of 0, or

b) A required assessment was not submitted on the due date and thus there is insufficient evidence of learning. The student is still encouraged to complete and submit prior to the task being closed. After the task is closed it will be considered “not done”, but it may be considered as evidence of learning to determine a passing final grade.

Calculated grades can be found on the under the Grades Tab on the left side of the course.

Weekly Progress Reports:

Each Wednesday, students and parents/guardians will be emailed a copy of the course progress report.  This report will show the due dates, what has been submitted, individual task grades, and an overall course grade. 

Final Progress Reports:

At the completion of each semester,  students and parents/guardians will be emailed a copy of the final course progress report.  This report will show the due dates, what has been submitted, individual task grades, and an overall course grade.