Who is eligible to sign up for the online elementary program?
Current Regina Catholic Schools students who are unable to attend in-person learning due to extenuating circumstances, such as a medical accommodation, can apply for placement in Learning Online Elementary.
Is a doctor's note or other documentation required for registration?
As part of the Duty to Accommodate process, a medical documentation may be required for registration.
Program Outline
How is content delivered in the Elementary Program?
Content will be delivered using pre-built modules with daily check-ins with a teacher.
What does a typical day look like?
Teachers will provide daily schedules for students. Students will be expected to log in each day at 9:00 for a class-meeting, attendance, prayer, and O'Canada. Students will be engaged throughout the day (9:00 to 3:35) on a variety of activities. Teachers will schedule individual and group lessons throughout the day.
Is there flexibility as to when my child logs in?
Students are required to log in and engage in course material each day. Daily attendance will be taken and tracked using RCSD guidelines.
Are all activities online?
Much of the instruction and assessment will take place in our online environment. There will some additional print material and other resources provided to students. Families will need to make arrangements to pick up these resources from our office.
Is the curriculum covered in the through Learning Online?
Yes, students will be expected to complete all curricular outcomes. Unlike supplemental learning, students are required to complete all course work and will be assessed on all outcomes. Students will be issued a Regina Catholic Schools report card.
Students will complete RCSD and Provincial assessments for their grade level.
How will classes be created?
Students will be divided into split classes grades 3/4, 5/6, 7/8.
French Immersion
Will French Immersion be offered online?
All courses will be in English. French language support will not be offered though Learning Online.
If my child takes the online programming in English this year, can they register back in French Immersion next year?
Before a student can return to their French Immersion school, they will be required to complete a French Language assessment. Students who do not pass the assessment will be referred to an English language program/school.
Resources and Supplies
What technology is required to participate in Learning Online classes?
Students will need to have access to a computer or tablet to participate in Learning Online courses. Students will need to be able to use this device throughout the day. Families are responsible for providing the appropriate technology.
Will my child require any other supplies?
A supply list will be provided by the classroom teacher prior to the start of the school year.
I am ready to register for Learning Online, what is the next step?
If your child requires an online placement for the 2023-2024 school year, contact their school principal or reach out to Learning Online at learningonline@rcsd.ca.
I have filled in an application form. What happens next?
All applications will be reviewed by the principal and/or the superintendent of Learning Online. Once a decision is made you will be contacted with additional information.
General Questions
Is my child required to attend Learning Online all year?
The goal of Learning Online is to support students while they cannot be in school and help them to successfully transfer back to in-person classrooms. Placements will be reviewed monthly by the school.
How can I find out more information about the program?
Parent information nights and student orientations will take place towards the end of August and the beginning of September. More information about these opportunities will be shared with families once the dates are set.
What is the first day of classes?
Classes will begin on September 5.